The Lincoln produces a fleece of exceptional quality. It is characteristically long, strong, lustrous and with beautiful flowing crimp (wavy curls).
The wool grows at a rate of 1 inch per month and so provides a yearly clip of 12 inch long fibres weighing around 15-20lbs per fleece. Shearlings at their first clipping are considerably longer, particularly those kept for the show season, they yield around an 18 inch fibre and beyond with fleece weights of over 30lbs.
Lincoln Longwool is a versatile fibre and can fit many purposes. It is perfect for hand-spinning, weaving, felting or is just beautiful washed and readily accepts dye. The foundation of many a spectacular creation, limited only by imagination.
Many of our members sell their wool right through from fleece ‘in the grease’ to beautifully spun yarn.
Why Lincoln Longwool?
because it’s the raw material of heirlooms…
Mary Steele , 1920-2013 , Honorary LLSBA life member.